Monday, May 18, 2020

Q&A: J. Richman, Author of A MAN'S LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS

J. Richman is the author of A MAN’S LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS, a collection of thoughts about life, relationships, and humanity.

Richman’s work history includes his service as an undercover intelligence officer in the US Air Force; later, he established a thriving business in real estate investment. For 16 years, Richman owned and operated Modify My Mortgage, a company that worked with homeowners to prevent foreclosures. His business success allowed Richman the time to pursue his passions, which included serving as the president of Nova, a workshop that provided work and life skills training for clients with disabilities; cofounding A Way Across, a drop-in center for teenagers with emotional and substance abuse problems; and fundraising for several more public service groups.

Richman enjoys writing and editing at night after allowing his ideas to blossom and expand during the day. The author is married with three sons and five grandsons.

When did you come up with the idea to write your book?
This book was not a book for over 10 years as it beginnings was a journal of my daily thoughts that over time became more interesting as I found I had a talent reducing long meaningful thoughts into very a short concise thoughts. I included these thoughts in my commutations to friends and they responded that they caused them  to rethink some of reactions to their errors and those of their family members.
A better understanding of our human frailties and add self-compassion relieve a lot of stress and reduce self anger and anger for others.
As the numbers of thoughts added one on another to over 200 and the idea of a book was born.
Who is your publisher and how did you find them or did you self-publish?
My publisher is Dorrance Publishing has a 100 year history helping author self publish.
Is there anything that surprised you about getting your first book published?
Everything was a surprise. They had never seen a book of 344 short concise original thoughts by one author and it turns out no one had---Having a completely different soon caught interest of some radio shows and the title of  A Man’s Later Night Thoughts piqued the interest of women.
Do you believe a book cover plays an important role in the selling process?
The book cover must catch the eye and my cover shows a park at night with the title and a thoughts.
How hard was it to write a book like this and do you have any tips that you could pass on which would make the journey easier for other writers?
Problems occur when we confuse how a women looks for who she is----
What’s one fact about your book that would surprise people?
To understand we are all prone to errors and self compassion for our self and other leads to less self anger and anger for others.
Finally, what message are you trying to get across with your book?
Holding on to anger is like holding a rope pulling you to oblivionsave yourselflet go !!!

A MAN’S LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS by J. Richman is a creative and life-affirming collection of ponderings that expose the deep thoughts and feelings of a man who has lived a life full of diverse
experiences and challenges. This uniquely constructed compilation of more than 300 reflections focuses on several areas of living, including intimate relationships and acceptance of human frailty, as well as the author’s internal conflicts.

A MAN’S LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS homes in on the complications inherent in intimate relationships from the opening pages of the book: “Problems accrue when we confuse how a woman looks with who she is.” Richman brings the perspective of a mature man to the lessons on love presented in the book, including, “Exploitation of another depreciates both parties,” and “The reason we fall in love with flawed people is that that’s the only kind of people there are.”

In addition to offering a brief study of intimate relationships, A MAN’S LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS probes human frailty and offers readers guidance in accepting this fact. “We must learn to be strong enough to be gentle,” brings into focus the need to deliberately work at treating people well. The author also encourages readers to show self-compassion when dealing with their own baggage: “Sometimes it’s difficult to see beyond the wreckage of our lives, but we must! Take heart! We are more than our mistakes.”

In A MAN’S LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS, Richman further challenges readers to take the reins of their lives when he says, “Name those things that you would do if you had no fear then do something about it.” He offers words of caution regarding political rhetoric: “Beware of politicians who whip up emotions to make us suspicious of others unlike us.” And rounds the book out by sharing his internal conflicts: “The world has bent me more than I have bent it”; “too often my logical mind and my emotional mind are hostile enemies”; “every time I look in the mirror, I expect to see a younger man.”

A MAN’S LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS began as a series of notes that Richman wrote to himself. “I found that if I do not write out my true, and often painful, thoughts and feelings, I do not deal with them.” Richman wishes a book like this one had been available when he was a boy because the knowledge enclosed could have assisted him in navigating his teenage and young adult years. He hopes A MAN’S LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS will assure men that they are not alone in their quiet musings. For women, Richman believes the book will provide a window into men’s unexpressed emotions.


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