Character Q&A: Letitia Devere of Arabella Sheraton's THE LADY'S REVENGE


It's Character Interview Day! 

Today's guest is Letitia Devere from inside the pages of THE LADY'S REVENGE by Arabella Sheraton.  It is a pleasure to have her with us at The Literary Nook!

What is your name?

Letitia DeVere and I am the antagonist (so they say) in the Regency romance novel The Lady’s Revenge.

What do you look like?

I am ravishingly beautiful of course. I have a marvelous figure and look very fetching in any outfit.

Where are you today and what are you doing?

I’m in my parents’ house in London and I’m planning how to get my ex-fiancé, Lord Blackwood, to return to me and give up that silly milksop he thinks he is in love with.

You come face to face with your worse enemy. How do you react?

What can I say? I am a woman of substance, so I naturally look them straight in the eye, steady my nerves, and stare them down. How dare they confront me.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Definitely a night owl, although if getting my own way and what I want in life means rising early, I will do it.

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

That’s hard to choose. I look wonderful in all my outfits. I rely on my admirers to tell me what I look best wearing.

Do you have any phobias? What are they and how intense are they? How have they impacted your life?

I fear nothing and I do not understand people who are scared of mice, snakes, thunderstorms and the like.

Open your wallet, purse, or briefcase. What do you find?

This is the nineteenth century so I would open my reticule to find a handkerchief, a powder compact, smelling salts and a small purse with money should I need to hail a hackney.

How do you feel about mortality?

I don’t think about it much. We all have to die sometime. Why worry?

What scares you?


What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed at night?

Stare at my reflection in the mirror why applying face cream and tell myself that he will return to me….

Who is your best friend?

I don’t trust anyone enough to have a best friend.

You just woke up to find that war has been declared. What’s the first thing you would do?

I would definitely not panic. I live in a country with the finest navy, and we won the Battle of Waterloo. I am sure we’ll win again should there be another battle.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?


If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would that be?

Why on earth would I change anything about myself? I am perfect just as I am.

About the Book   

Title: THE LADY’S REVENGE (Book 2)
Author: Arabella Sheraton
Publisher: Bublish
Pages: 186
Genre: Regency Romance


This engaging traditional Regency romance is the sequel to Lord Blackwood’s Valentine Ball. Miss Letitia DeVere decides that revenge is a dish best eaten cold when she returns to London after a two-year absence to find her former admirer Lord Charles Blackwood on the verge of proposing to Miss Patience Cherwell. Lord Blackwood’s Valentine Ball proved to be the turning point in his fledgling romance with Patience. Letitia is not the kind of woman who gives up easily, as Patience and Charles soon find out. She stops at nothing to achieve her aims. However, Letitia has a dark past, with secrets that threaten to return and destroy her newfound social success. When Charles proves less malleable than in the past, Letitia resorts to subterfuge, seduction, blackmail, and even violence to force him to propose. Will he see through her tricks and remain true to Patience, or will Letitia’s seductive wiles lure him back?


“The timing is one of the most wonderful things in this read, especially because of the various means of subterfuge and blackmail which are at play. Author Arabella Sheraton has a knack for timing her comedy and her suspense in just the right balance to keep that rompy pace going, just like authentic Regency novels should do. I can’t recommend this two-partner enough, or indeed the author herself and her other super-fun works. Readers with a modern mindset or a lack of historical knowledge might not fully ‘get’ the style, but if you’re someone that does, then you’re going to truly fall in love and want to keep stepping back into this world time and again, so give them a try!” – Amazon Reviewer 5 stars


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About the Author 

Arabella Sheraton
 grew up reading her mom’s collection of Georgette Heyer novels, the queen of modern-day Regency romance, and of course, Jane Austen’s iconic Regency novels. Although Arabella’s literary background was in publishing and editing, she had never written a fiction book. Her first novel started out in response to her mom’s complaint that she had nothing new to read. That first Regency novel was The Dangerous Duke! Since then, Arabella has penned six more authentic Regency novels and a romance self-help guide to finding the right partner, with useful quotes by none other than Jane Austen. Arabella has branched out with a mash-up of genre in her latest work in progress. A murder-mystery, time travel, Regency romance coming soon!



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