Culture Without Accountability- WTF? What's The Fix? by Julie Miller & Brian Bedford Book Feature

Culture without Accountability Title: Culture Without Accountability - WTF? What's The Fix?
Author: Julie Miller & Brian Bedford
Publisher: Criffel Publishing
Pages: 142
Genre: Business
Format: Kindle

 What happens when businesses, families or individuals fail to be accountable for their actions and decisions? It can be devastating for business results, relationships and reputations. Culture Without Accountability - WTF? What’s The Fix? is full of real life stories of what accountability looks like, what can go wrong without it, and offers a proven process for installing an accountability-based culture—a platform for success in business and in everyday life. Drawing on their combined years of experience in senior global leadership roles at Motorola, Julie Miller and Brian Bedford founded MillerBedford Executive Solutions in 2001. MillerBedford addresses issues that are limiting the progress of organizations, and increases business success by improving strategy, culture, and leadership. And their clients actually report having fun in the process!

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JulieIn 2001, drawing on their respective years of experience in senior global leadership at Motorola, Julie Miller and Brian Bedford joined forces to establish MillerBedford Executive Solutions. MillerBedford helps businesses and organizations improve strategy, culture, and leadership, while addressing issues that limit success. And their clients actually have fun in the process! Their latest book is the business book, Culture Without Accountability - WTF? What's The Fix?

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