Q&A: Laurel C. Fox, Author of Braveing the Way #Q&A #Interview #BraveingtheWay

Laurel C. Fox was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised in Aspen, Colorado from the age of nine, through high school. After graduating college with a BA in Liberal Arts, Laurel wound up living in Los Angeles for thirty five years, raising two daughters, and having several careers. Laurel worked for Neil Diamond in the music business for fifteen of those years and traveled the world. Laurel now lives back in Colorado with her husband, John. She works as a voice-over actor and can be heard in many popular television shows such as Lethal Weapon, Angie Tribeca, and Manifest, to name a few. Laurel enjoys being a substitute teacher for the public and private elementary schools in the Roaring Fork Valley. She also sings in a local band, and dabbles on the theater stage whenever she can.

Her latest book, Braveing the Way, is available at Amazon.

You can visit the author’s web page at www.braveingtheway.com and Instagram at https://instagram.com/laurelcarini.

When did you decide to write your book, 'braveing the way'? Did the inspiration come at a particular moment or had you been intending on writing the book for awhile?

In 2014 I got a phone call that no parent ever wants to receive. My daughter was in a horrible accident, and she was being transported to the biggest trauma center in Los Angeles. When I began writing and digging

into an on-line journal every day, not only to escape the madness, but to also communicate to everyone—I learned that it was comfort. Then slowly my comfort (and my cathartic writing process) became bigger than that and wound up turning into a BOOK.

Did you have to do any research while writing your book?

 I did no research at all before writing this book. I was catapulted into this extremely uncomfortable situation with my daughter and after six months to a year—I learned more than I ever wanted to know because I was forced to. I was her care-giver and her advocate (along with doctors and nurses) and I had to do a deep dive into brain injury whether I wanted to or not. I experienced what I think is the best way to learn and be knowledgeable about something to write about. First hand experience.

What are some of the positive results or responses you have received since publishing your book?

I have received amazing five star reviews (along with writings) on Amazon which of course I’m thrilled about. A few from people I don’t know and some that I do. From my personal people I have received great feedback and also a sincere love for braveing the way —which I’m also thrilled about.

List three interesting facts about yourself.

I'm a voice-over actor and I sing in a local band. I love to bake and tennis is my game of choice.

How can our readers reach out to you?

www.braveingtheway.com and Instagram: laurelcarini and email: laurelcfox@gmail.com






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