Thursday, January 4, 2024

Character Q&A: Sunny Sullivan of Robin Jay's Sunny's Secrets #characterinterview


Today's guest is Sunny Sullivan from inside the pages of SUNNY'S SECRETS by Robin Jay.  It is a pleasure to have her with us at The Literary Nook!

What is your name?

Sunny Sullivan

What do you look like? Where are you today and what are you doing?

I just turned 60, I still have blonde hair; I don’t think I’ll ever go gray. Plus, I keep fit between work and running around.  I think I could pass for 50.

Where are you today and what are you doing?

I was widowed in 2003 when my husband John was sent on a deployment to Afghanistan. He was killed by a suicide bomber. I never thought I’d recover. It took time and the help of friends, but I managed to recover. It’s hard to believe it’s been twenty years since I lost John. I’m still nursing. I don’t know if I’ll ever retire; I like helping patients too much. A long time ago, my friend Rohan, a retired oncologist, and I found a new way to heal people. It’s incredible! We traveled to India to learn this new healing method. I even managed to find love again. My second husband, Richard, is a doctor, and we live in Dayton, Ohio, not far from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He moved here from Virginia to be with me.

Describe the outside of your home.

I’m still in the home I had with John. I loved it then and still love it now. I couldn’t ever bear to leave it. My favorite part is the backyard and patio. The bottom half of the house is brick, so it works great with the pavers that make up the patio. The patio is a big part of what made me fall in love with the house the minute we saw it. I’m outside in the backyard from the first glimpse of spring until the first snow, it seems. It has such a warm vibe, which is important since the winters in Dayton can really get cold. I still buy fresh flowers every spring and plant them around the perimeter of the backyard. There is a nice yard with lush grass that’s just the right size and a big willow tree in the far corner.

What’s the mood outside right now?

The leaves that are still clinging to the trees are changing color. Fall in Ohio is spectacular! We might have a sunny day when we can enjoy coffee out on the patio, and then the next day, we have thunderstorms and wind that are brutal! It’s exciting, and we love the change of seasons.

What is your favorite piece of clothing? 

Don’t tell Richard, but it’s actually one of John’s old USAF tee shirts. I don’t wear it very often, but when I do, it feels like John is right next to me.  I could never get rid of it.

What scares you? 

I don’t think I could stand to lose Richard. Life is so precious! Losing John nearly did me in. In fact, if I hadn’t become friends with Rohan, whom I’d met at John’s funeral, I might not have survived. Rohan showed me how to heal people and gave my life purpose. And I wanted to honor John by being strong. I guess you could say I’m afraid of being afraid. I don’t like feeling weak. I’ve come so far and found my inner strength, which is something I’d wish for everyone. Once you find that, no one can take it away from you.

How would your parents describe you?

I was only seventeen when my dad died. He’s the one who wanted to name me Sunny. He thought I was everything. My brother, Buddy, was always jealous because I was a typical “Daddy’s girl.” My mother was so proud of me. She believed there was nothing I couldn’t do. I kept the family going after my dad died. She calls me her strong soldier. If she only knew how scared I was then. After our dad died, she didn’t move for nearly a year. She just sat there in our living room. I finally suggested we go for drives. It seemed to do the trick because a few months later, when I insisted we take a family vacation, she said, “Okay.” That’s when my mom met Danny Gold. They’ve been together ever since.

What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed at night? 

I say my prayers. I thank God for my life and for Richard. And I thank him for my dear friends and ask him to protect them. Then, I ask him to end suffering and pain and to help me continue to heal people. And I always end by asking him to take good care of John.

Who is your best friend?

It’s a close tie between Jen Logan and Rohan Ray. Jen is my best girlfriend. She always has my back and we have such a great time together; we’re always laughing. I met her soon after John and I moved to Dayton. I didn’t have many friends growing up because I was busy taking care of my family. Then I went to nursing school. I’ve always been too busy for friends. So, when I met Jen, we hit it off perfectly! I love her with all my heart. She is married to John’s best friend, Roger, who was in the Air Force with John. He’s retired now. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without them in my life.

As for Rohan, he’s unlike anyone I’ve ever known. We’ve been friends for twenty years now and he’s getting older. I thought he was old when I met him! He’s smart and kind. People always wondered if we were more than just friends, but it was never like that. He looked out for me and was more like a father figure. His friendship means the world to me.

Do you believe the author did a bang up job of portraying you as a character that everyone would love to read about?

Yes, I do! One comment about the story said, “One of the novel’s strengths is the way it masterfully and vividly depicts Sunny’s emotions during the initial stages of her grief and inner struggles…. The author’s ability to convey the depths of Sunny’s despair and the emptiness she feels in the absence of her husband is truly remarkable.” Yet, as I’ve shared here, I became very strong as a result of all the adversity I’ve faced. If readers love a psychological/medical thriller, they’ll be rooting for me to get through my challenges successfully. And, they’ll likely wonder what THEY would do if they were in my position.

I care deeply about people, and I think readers will feel my positive energy and root for my success, despite the fact that what I’m doing is unorthodox and questionable, at best. Being a nurse, working so closely with patients who are between life and death, makes me appreciate everything good about life. I think we could all stand to read a story that’s life-affirming and positive.

About the Book   

A suicide bomber changed Sunny’s life forever. A nurse from a military family, she finds herself devastated and alone. At her husband’s funeral, she’s approached by a mysterious Indian doctor, Rohan Ray, who shows her how to switch Life Force Energy between two people – those who are about to end their lives and patients who would give anything to live another day. Playing with fate is not for the faint of heart. Will the crushing responsibility be too much for Sunny to bear?

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About the Author 

Robin Jay is an award-winning filmmaker and author, speaker, and publisher. She is also a Business Relationship Expert who shares the nuts and bolts of building profitable business relationships with an emphasis on smart ways to network and socialize with clients.

Her clients tagged her “The Queen of the Business Lunch™”.  Robin personally hosted more than 3,000 client lunches and saw her sales increase by more than 2,000%! Her sense of humor and candid approach to sharing the principles that helped her to achieve such tremendous success as an Advertising Account Executive in Las Vegas, Nevada, helped to make her first book an international success. Robin’s award-winning business book is “The Art of the Business Lunch ~ Building Relationships Between 12 and 2” (Career Press.) It has been published in twelve languages worldwide. She’s also a contributor to “Chicken Soup for the Wine Lover’s Soul.” She’s been featured internationally on MSNBC-TV, Newsweek Magazine, CNN, the BBC, the New York Times, The London Financial Times,, and other international and national media outlets.

In 2006, Robin founded the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau. As president, she manages the bureau and coaches speakers to success in person and online. She especially enjoys the cache the bureau lends to create and publish intellectual properties. She edited and published “The Power of the Platform,” a series of three anthologies that feature messages from today’s top motivational speakers, including Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Les Brown

Robin’s passion for storytelling has evolved to presenting messages of empowerment and inspiration in films as writer, producer, and costar of the first funny personal development movies. Her films are collectively known as “The Key Movies.” (see The films star many of today’s top personal development experts, including Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, don Miguel Ruiz, Rev. Michael Beckwith, John Assaraf, and John Gray. Robin’s writer/producer awards include Best Independent Film, Best Documentary, Best Concept, and Best Original Song for the soundtrack song, “Stronger than Ever.”

Robin took advantage of the recent lockdown to pivot and write her first novel, “Sunny’s Secrets,” a Psychological Suspense story. It follows the life of Sunny Sullivan, a nurse with a special, unorthodox method of healing people.

Most recently, Robin coauthored a memoir with reality TV star Tana Goertz. Robin’s expanded social media reach, including book and movie experts, speakers, and colleagues, has well over 100,000 followers.

Author Links  

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