Q&A: M.N. Grenside, Author of Fall Out #Q&A #Interview

Mark Grensideborn and raised in London, began his working career straight out of school at Lloyds of London, specializing in Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion Insurance. At 25 it was time for a career change and to dump the suit and tie, so he started his media career working for Jim Henson and The Muppets©. From that moment on he has been involved in Entertainment and nearly every aspect of it.

He went on to create and produce several television series and mini-series. At the same time, he started a music management company launching million seller artist Neneh Cherry.

In 2004 he arranged the US $250 million buy-out of the Hallmark Channel International which was then successfully sold to NBC. He returned to producing a number of movies and mini-series.

He has recently morphed into a serial entrepreneur and is now a co-founder of seed to shelf CBD producer Dragonfly Biosciences (www.dragonflybiosciences.com) and a founder in two separate digital companies.

In addition to his love of cooking, an unhealthy amount of time and money is lavished on a collection of classic cars that he has raced all over the world. He enjoys risk and has parachuted in New Zealand, scuba-dived in the Pacific, hang-glided in the Himalayas and even tobogganed down the Cresta Run. In nearly every case chasing after his wife who is utterly fearless!

He is now writing the follow up to Fall Out, entitled The Bastion. In addition, he writes a humorous blog with subscribers in more than 40 countries. www.andanotherthing.com

He has two grown sons, two daughters’-in-law, three grandchildren and lives in Malta with his wife and two French bulldogs.

Mark’s latest book is the thriller, Fall Out.

You can visit his website at www.MNGrenside.com and his blog at www.AndAnotherThing.com or connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads.

Thanks for this interview, Mark.  Congratulations on your new book! Would you say it’s been a rocky road for you in regards to getting your book written and published or pretty much smooth sailing?  Can you tell us about your journey?

Having produced movies and mini-series which is collaborative, I decided to do something where I am on my own. Hence write a book. Trying to balance starting a new company, my existing TV commitments, writing a book and moving country had me spinning more plates than a circus performer. I made the mistake of letting the book go out to some publishers too early but eventually closed a deal only to run into covid and no book tour. It’s been a hell of a ride but great fun! The one thing I learned is a publishing deal is only the beginning. I am now building a successful following from social media platforms as well as my blog www.andanotherthing.com.

When not writing, what do you like to do for relaxation and/or fun?

I love scuba diving. Here in Malta, there are a tremendous number of wrecks from the present to dating back 2,300 years. Cooking is another passion and I enjoy entertaining. I also love classic cars of the 1960’s. I race mine all over the world as well as act as a judge at Concours car events.

What makes your book stand out from the rest?

It’s the first in a franchise of thrillers using the movies as a backdrop; much like Dick Francis used horse racing or John Grisham uses the law. With over 30 years involved in all aspects of Entertainment from owning a channel to producing movies and films, artist management for records and distribution, I am lucky enough to have been involved in nearly every aspect the industry.

Can you give us the very first page of your book so that we can get a glimpse inside?



November 1944

Major Ito Okobudo reminded himself that when the time

came, he should put his fingers in his ears. It was not to

block out the screams of the dying men, which was a sound he

was well used to, but rather to protect his eardrums from the

staccato crack of machine-gun fire as it ricocheted and echoed

off the unforgiving stone walls. In such a confined space he was

pretty certain it would damage his hearing.

He looked disdainfully at the assembled crowd. All he had to

do was nod. The six guards behind him would snap back the

tarpaulin covering the tripod mounted machine gun and the

carnage would begin.

“Congratulations to you all,” the Major beamed,

immaculately attired in his formal dress uniform, his swagger

stick in his leather gloved hand, his close-cropped hair already

dripping with sweat.

Three hundred and seventy haggard faces gazed blankly

back at him; a labor force mainly drawn from Australian,

American and British prisoners of war. The majority did not

If your book was put in the holiday section of the store, what holiday would that be and why?

Books of the world!  There are a number of locations all of which I know well. From Venice Beach and Hollywood through London and the Cannes Film Festival to Interlaken in the Swiss Alps; all ending in a cave in the Philippine jungle. I am very lucky as I have visited over 120 countries and have a huge reserve of memories to draw on!

Would you consider turning your book into a series or has that already been done?

The book has been optioned by a very well-known Oscar winning Producer.

When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession? 

Goodness! Difficult. I always loved creativity but also action and at least a scent of danger. My career has covered everything from Kidnap and Ransom Insurance through entertainment to being an entrepreneur, as well as of course a published author. And I hope more adventures and experiences are still to come.

What’s next for you?

Another book for sure. My blog www.andanotherthing.com has been going for several years and is in 40 countries, so that will continue. One business I started is about to go public on the stock market, and I am looking at starting another. As my wife’s mother told her when we announced our engagement. “Darling, one thing is for sure. You will never be bored!”


“A page-turning, jaw-dropping thriller of action and surprise. A riveting debut.” – Damien Lewis, international bestselling author

An LA screenwriter is killed shortly after completing his latest script, FALL OUT – a thriller destined to be a blockbuster but written with a secret double purpose.  Echoing events from the past, the screenplay is sent to a very specific group of people and will change their lives forever.  All are connected to a movie that had abruptly stopped shooting in the jungles of the Philippines years before.  FALL OUT exposes the truth about a conspiracy and murder that led to a half-a-billion-dollar fortune for a select few.

Follow the story of Producer Marcus Riley, who sets out on an increasingly dangerous quest to get FALL OUT made.  From a powerful agent’s office in Hollywood, hidden treasures in Belgravia and a remote chalet in the Swiss Alps to murder at the Cannes Film Festival, Marcus teams up with designer Melinda (Mako) de Turris as they and the other recipients of the screenplay are pursued by an assassin from the past.

With clues cleverly concealed in the screenplay, Marcus and Mako unravel a lethal puzzle that for some will bring death, others the truth and ends in a cave with a shocking secret…

“If you want a fast-paced stand out different thriller, I can’t recommend Fall Out enough. I loved it.” —Emma Forbes, broadcaster

“Amazing . . . I agree with all the other reviews that have stated if you like Dan Brown or James Patterson, then this book is for you.” —Joyful Antidotes

“And, action! Plenty of it and super nasty bad guys and stories so outrageously crazy they can only be true . . . Fall Out is inventive and, at times intentionally filmic . . . The fun doesn’t stop for 440 pages.” —Booksplainer

Book Information

Release Date: August 27, 2021

Publisher: Bloodhound Books

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1912666751; 400 pages; $13.46; Kindle: ASIN: B09C1PJNZ4; 480 pages; $4.99; FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED, FREE AUDIOBOOK WITH AUDIBLE TRIAL

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3M133DQ

Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/3Fz1DhI  

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/fall-out-11

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