Monday, August 10, 2020

Q&A: Yeral E. Ogando, Author of THE HERO WITHIN: AWARENESS

Yeral E. Ogando was born on May 18th, 1977 in Las Matas de Farfán, Dominican Republic. Yeral is polyglot or a multilingual person.

He has been able to learn Spanish, English, French, Italian, Haitian Creole, German, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Modern & Biblical Greek and Biblical Hebrew.

Yeral E. Ogando has earned several degrees:

Master of Arts in Theological Studies
Master of Arts in Languages and Linguistics
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology

He has been a Bible professor for many years and teacher for several languages locally and internationally, such as Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole.

He has also been able to write the following books:

* The Hero Within – Power (Volume Two)
* The Hero Within – Nede Land (Volume Three)
* Teach Yourself Italian by Yeral E. Ogando.
* Teach Yourself Haitian Creole Conversation by Yeral E. Ogando.
* Teach Yourself Haitian Creole by Yeral E. Ogando.
* And many other books for language learning (English, Spanish, Creole and Italian)
* Coming Soon From The Hero Within Series (Volume Four – Volume Five – Volume Six)

His hobbies are reading and listening to music. He is passionate for teaching, learning and starting new ministries and businesses.

He is the founder and owner of the successful internet business, thus reaching the world in more than 200 languages since 2004.



Congratulations on your new book! Would you say it’s been a rocky road for you in regards to getting your book written and published or pretty much smooth sailing?  Can you tell us about your journey?

I would say more like a rocky road. It was my first experience and I did not know what to do exactly. I thought that writing my book was enough, then I discovered that it was just part of the process and that I had a long way to go. I had to learn the hard way.

If you were to pen your own autobiography, what might the title be?

The Hero Within. It might sound funny because it is the title of my series, but yes, that would be my title. The Hero Within me doing all these kind of incredible and marvelous things in and through me.

When not writing, what do you like to do for relaxation and/or fun?

I like to plant in my garden, play with my children and watch a movie.

What makes your book stand out from the rest?

It is an incredible and powerful Christian Science Fiction story, showing us the reality behind the curtain, the spiritual world surrounding us and the power hidden in the darkness that we must face every single day even when we don’t see it.

Can you give us the very first page of your book so that we can get a glimpse inside? 

Anthony Markson sat on the barstool nursing his fifth beer of the evening, when his iPhone binged an alert.
Coming to church with me in the morning?
Shish. Not likely. He slipped the cell into his right front trouser pocket.
The stinky-sweet smells of the bar were starting to get to him, and he figured he should stop after this one. Anyway, he was pretty sure the bartender was watering down his drinks.
Besides, Becky would worry about him if he wasn’t home soon. The sun had set 20 minutes ago, and it wasn’t long till darkness would fall.
The Rat’s Nest Bar was Anthony’s favorite place to let down. The hole in the wall was one place he could be incognito, and where people only knew him as Tony.
Since this was his only real relaxation for the week, was it too much to ask for a few hours on Saturday night?
The Hispanic bartender eyed Anthony’s nearly empty glass. “Another one?” he asked.
Anthony was tempted, but shook his head. “Better not. The old lady will raise a ruckus if I don’t leave soon.” It simply wasn’t worth putting up with the guilt and ridicule he might find at home.

If your book was put in the holiday section of the store, what holiday would that be and why?

Science Fiction because it is a Christian Science Fiction story and it takes elements of real life turning them into an incredible Christian Science Fiction story.

Would you consider turning your book into a series or has that already been done?

It has already been done.

The Hero Within is a large series. I have published The Hero Within – Power, volume two, The Hero Within – Nede Land 1, volume three.

When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?

I never thought about writing or becoming a writer.

Did any of your books get rejected by publishers?

I have never tried a publisher, I have been doing Self-published so far but I will definitely start trying publishers companies for my next books.

What is your view on co-authoring books; have you done any?

If the story is something I would write or feel identify with, I would gladly do so. I have not done it in the past.

What’s next for you?

At the moment, I am editing The Hero Within – Nede Land 2, volume four, The Hero Within – Nede Land 3, volume five, they will be available in the next few months and I am currently writing the next two books on The Hero Within Series. I am also working on the Christian Manga (comics) version of the books.


Have you ever wondered about the power we possess as Christians?

Do you love reading about superheroes and their powers?

From The Hero Within Series – Awareness

A Story that will excite your imagination, and inspire you to ask yourself “Who am I”…

It will remind you that the Gifts of the spirit manifest in spiritual warfare and through the battles we face each day.

Let it unveil the reality behind our daily lives and show you how God’s calling can bring wonder to you and those around you.

Walk beside our hero through the challenges he will face each day that will test his resolve and strengthen your spirit.

Discover the Gifts of Revelation, Power and Inspiration in and through the Spirit in our Hero.
Learn how these gifts are used by our Hero with the help of God.

Grow in strength and knowledge alongside our hero and embrace the growing process of the Holy Spirit.

Book Trailer:


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